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  • Better oversight of their tax dollars
  • Transparency and accountability from the those who serve them
  • More investment in services that matter

Better Oversight of Tax Dollars

We deserve to have our tax dollars work for us.  In Tarrant County, certain Commissioners have funneled our money into their pet political projects, instead of what families need. Let me give you an example. With three law enforcement training centers only 20 minutes away, we didn’t need $50 million of our federal Covid dollars wasted on another one. But that’s what the Commissioners chose to fund. While I stand behind the brave men and women of law enforcement, a fourth training center won’t keep us safer. 

We can do better. Together we can elect commissioners who will make sure our tax dollars are working for all the people of this county. 

Clear Accountability

No matter how much money you have in your wallet, you deserve to know where that money is going. You have a right to have a voice in how it’s spent. Yet some members of the Commissioners Court act as if they have the sole authority to make those decisions without telling you why. 

Now is the time for change. By joining other courageous voices who point out our county’s problems, we can create an empathetic court focusing on making consensus-driven choices. 

Investment in Services That Matter

Whether you were born here or chose to make Tarrant County your home, you deserve the freedom to get your basic needs met without fearing bankruptcy. We must properly fund essential services and infrastructure. Working people need to get to their jobs. Veterans deserve our assistance. And our county buildings need to be erected safely by contractors selected through a fair process.

Yet some Commissioners Court members have chosen to accept donations from questionable sources. These donations may influence decisions they are supposed to be making for all of us. 

Now is the time to stop that type of practice.

Let’s get out the vote for real change in Tarrant County.


No matter one’s race, gender, or religion, the people of Tarrant County deserve to thrive and prosper together. Sadly, some politicians, like my opponent, have passed policies that divide us and attempt to falsify history. For them, it’s about power and control. 

That’s not what the people of Tarrant County want. We want leaders who will break down barriers between us so we can work together for all of us.  I’ll proudly represent all people of Tarrant County, not just a few.

I care about people and justice. Tarrant County can do better and deserves better! 

Elect me so I can start working for all of Tarrant County!